Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Soul Journaling Advanced Techniques

I took an art class with Sarah Whitmire called Soul Journaling Advanced Techniques. Unfortunately, I was so busy with work during the time when the class was held that I wasn't able to do the activities during the time when the others in the class were during them. Still, I wanted to take part, and Sarah said she'd help me along whenever I got to it, so a few weeks after everyone else, I did mine. Here are the pictures of my art journal pictures -- I love the way it turned out. Over the next week or two I would like to add the tags that finish up the project, but for now I'm just very, very happy to have gotten this much done!


  1. your pages are turning out gorgeous!
    you have a pretty blog background!

  2. LOVE your art journal...this is on my list of "someday I am going to" things that speak to my heart. You inspire me Miss Teri!!!

  3. Hi Teri...I really like your art journal. I also followed Sarah's Soul Journal on her blog and I did her Joggles class last year.
    Are you following Kathryn's blog?

  4. Beautiful! I've always wanted to do and art journal, but, it's sorta been on a "hold" list...


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